Sands Community Connections

Every day we make connections - they are all around us. Often we can choose who and what we want to connect with. We are connected emotionally or physically to our family and friends, our communities and even through our values and beliefs. Some of the most powerful connections are made when we are brought together through shared experiences.

We make connections through the people we meet, the conversations with those who understand, the stories we share. All these experiences are what connect us together and provide a sense of belonging.  

Together, we are Sands.

Share your connection

My Sands connection
My Sands connection

Hello I’m Laura, Penelope Mae Culpin made me a Mummy. She was sadly born sleeping in November 2016 at 31 weeks, for reasons unknown. Following her loss I set about growing around my grief by raising money for Hereford County Hospital. I set up the Born Sleeping Appeal to bring plans of a designated three piece bereavement suite and midwife into fruition. We also introduced lanyards, a buzzer system, information leaflet and butterfly plaques to help support others and raise awareness. I co ran an informal support group with Sarah, another bereaved Mum called Unexpected Parenthood until 2020 when we transitioned to Hereford Sands with five other bereaved mums. I am now the Chair, Hospital Liasion Volunteer and one of the Befrienders of our group. We run monthly face to face groups, including one session for ‘rainbow bumps and babies’. We often have crafts, flower arranging, pebble painting and there’s always an opportunity to light a candle and add a finger print to our memorial tree. We also offer support via Zoom, in person, phone and email. We are currently involved with raising awareness and funds for a baby memorial garden at the hospital. Every October we raise awareness through BLAW by asking buildings to light up in pink and blue and organising a candlelit walk between the hospital and Hereford Cathedral before a short Service. In July we support the Baby Remembrance Service at the Hospital’s chapel. I am lucky in my unluckyness to be part of the caring, empathetic, kind Sands Family.
